Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CIQUS)
Department of Physical Chemistry and Department of Organic Chemistry
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Functional Materials and Nanotechnology Group
Selected proceedings, educational publications, press news, etc. (since 2014)
Contribution at the 14th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food (LCA Food 2024), Barcelona, Spain, September 8-12:
B. Vázquez-Vázquez, M. Lazzari, Á. Val del Río, Almudena Hospido "Plastic biopolymers: a second life to olive oil"
Oral contributions at the 35th Polymer Degradation Discussion Group (RSC), Limassol, Cyprus, June 23-26:
T. López, I. Bargagli, F. Rosi, N. Tiwari, M. Lazzari "Monitoring polymer aging in contemporary artworks: from traditional techniques to surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy"
L. Domínguez-Ramos, D. Gómez-Díaz, M.S. Freire, J. González-Álvarez, M. Lazzari "Functional carbons with controlled porosity from the controlled degradation of polyacrylonitrile-based block copolymers"
Contributions at the 6th International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Engineering (GreenCHEM-24), Lisboa, Portugal, July 24-26:
V. Rahimi, D. Gómez-Díaz, M.S. Freire, M. Lazzari, J. González-Álvarez "KOH-activated carbons prepared from biomoss precursors for copper recovery from waste printed circuit boards"
C.H. Pimentel, A. Rial-Pomares, V. Rahimi, M.S. Freire, D. Gómez-Díaz, M. Lazzari, J. González-Álvarez "Removal of methylene blue and malochife green from aqueous solutions by adsorpfion onto KOH aclivated carbon from almond shells"
Funding of the Spanish Network Ciencia y Tecnología para la Conservación del Patrimonio cultural (Science & Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage - TechnoHeritage) by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación - Redes de Investigación RED2022-134092-T, with M. Lazzari as coordinator
Contributions at the 6th IWA Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment Conference (EcoSTP23), Girona, Spain, June 23-26:
B. Vázquez-Vázquez, J. Pérez-García, M. Lazzari, A. Hospido"Bioplastics accelerated degradation under simulated conditions: generating data for including their end-of-life in LCA studies"
C. Vijande, M. Lazzari, S. Balboa, J.M. Lema "Determination of microplastics in three wastewater treatment plants in north-western Spain"
Press release in newspapers and press agencies:
M. Lazzari included again in the list that represents the top 2 per cent of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines since 1996, according to the "Ranking of the World Scientists" 2022 list prepared by Stanford University and Elsevier. He is among the 65 professors and Researchers of the University of Santiago de Compostela (the only one working at the CiQUS) [read news]
Oral contribution at the Plastics Heritage Congress 2022, Naples, Italy, October 18:
M. Lazzari, I. Romo Díez “Plastic degradation in artworks: from traditional assessment to the application of surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy”
Oral contribution at the 6th International Congress Chemistry for Cultural Heritage (ChemCH2020), Ravenna, Italy, July 4:
D. Reggio, I. Romo Díez, M. Lazzari “Application of a new non-destructive and non-invasive sampling methodology based on SERS substrates for the detection of art materials”
Contribution at the XXXVIII Reunión Bienal RSEQ, Granada, Spain, June 30:
L. Domínguez Ramos, D. Gómez-Díaz, M.S. Freire, M. Lazzari, J. González-Álvarez "Doped porous carbons from block copolymers for gas adsorption"
Delivery of a lecture at the IX Curso de divulgación: Química, a ciencia que envolve a nosa vida, Universidade de Veran 2022, organized by the USC, Santiago de Compostela, June 14:
M. Lazzari "Química para o patrimonio"
Contribution at the 12th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, June 8:
M. Lazzari and S. Balboa Mendez served as chairpersons of the workshop/round table "Is the presence of microplastics in the water cycle a real environmental concern?"
Contributions at the New Trends in Polymer Science: Health of the Planet, Health of the People, Turin, Italy, May 25-27:
M. Lazzari served as member of the Scientific Committee
L. Domínguez Ramos, D. Gómez-Díaz, M.S. Freire, J. González-Álvarez, M. Lazzari "Hierarchically Porous S/N/O Codoped Carbons from Polyacrylonitrile-Based Block Copolymers for Selective Separation of Industrial Pollutants"
E. Miravalle, S. Balboa Mendez, A.M. Otero Casal, M. Zanetti, M. Lazzari "Biodegradation of Polystyrene via Zophobas Morio Larvae and Guts Deriving Bacteria"
Web seminar within the Programa de pós-graduação em ciência de materiais of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil, March 28:
M. Lazzari "Plastics and Museums"
Press release in newspapers and press agencies:
M. Lazzari among the 54 professors of the University of Santiago de Compostela (only 2 working at the CiQUS) included in the list that represents the top 2 per cent of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines since 1996, according to the "Ranking of the World Scientists" list prepared by Stanford University and Elsevier [read news]
Contribution at the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology - CEST2021, Athens, Greece, September 4:
L. Domínguez Ramos, I. Tejado, D. Gómez-Díaz, M.S. Freire, M. Lazzari, J. González-Álvarez "New polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based porous carbons for the removal of industrial wood dyes from aqueous solutions"
Oral contributions by L. Domínguez Ramos:
"Nanocarbóns microporosos funcionalizados para a eliminación de contaminantes industriais", Xuntanza investigadores novos no ámbito da Química, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, November 25
"Carbones activados funcionalizados para la separación selectiva de contaminantes industriales en efluentes gaseosos y líquidos", VIII Encontro da Mocidade Investigadora, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, May 28
Delivery of a lecture at the III Jornadas Restaura-ciencia. Materiales no metálicos en patrimonio tecnológico, organized by the Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de España (MUNCYT), Madrid, November 26 [programme]
M. Lazzari " Plásticos en el patrimonio cultural" [youtube video]
Delivery of a lecture at the course Últimas tecnologías aplicadas a la conservación del patrimonio cultural: problemática y soluciones organized at the Universidad de Zaragoza, November 25 [programme]:
M. Lazzari "Plásticos y museos: una relación complicada"
Contributions at the 33rd Polymer Degradation Discussion Group Conference
(PDDG-2019), September 1-5, Portomaso, Malta:
D. Reggio, R. Gómez Garcia, M. Lazzari “Novel surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)-active substrates for the detection of low molecular weight degradation products of polymers”
N. Macro, M. Lazzari, M. Ioele "Ageing behavior of melamine-formaldehyde based laminates used in a contemporary artwork"
Contribution at the 10th International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA2019), Potsdam, Germany, September 3-9:
D. Reggio, D. Iacopino, M. Lazzari “Multipurpose SERS substrates for nanodestructive detection of small molecules in collections” OP27
Contribution at the VII Encontro da Mocidade Investigadora, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, May 27:
D. Reggio "Rapid test kit for heritage science research"
Contributions at the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Seville, Spain, March 26-30:
M. Lazzari served as member of the Scientific Committee
D. Reggio, M. Gómez, A. Mirabile, M. Lazzari “Identifying dyes in Japanese woodblock prints and felt-tip pen drawings by SERS”
Press releases in newspapers and press agencies involving group members through interviews, comments, H2020 projects:
Harmless science to heal artworks, European Commission - Cordis, 3 October [read news].
Ciencia para sandar a arte sen dañala (in Galician), Xornal USC, 3 October [read news].
Químicos galegos desenvolven novas técnicas para coidar e restaurar obras de arte, GCiencia, 3 October [read news].
Non-destructive nanotechnology diagnostics for artwork restoration, Nanowerk News, 3 October [read news].
Ciencia para salvar el arte de plástico (in Spanish), Vozpópuli, 4 September [read news].
Las lentillas se convierten en la nueva amenaza de los ecosistemas marinos (in Spanish), La Voz de Galicia, 3 September [read news].
El fin de las bolsas de plástico gratuitas (in Spanish), La Voz de Galicia, 1 July [read news].
Los nuevos materiales van a ser la revolución de este siglo (in Spanish), La Voz de Galicia, 24 June [read news].
Bienvenidos a la invasión del plástico (in Spanish), La Voz de Galicia, 18 January [read news].
Contributions at the International Conference NANOmaterials for the RESToration of works of ART, Copenhagen, Denmark:
A. Chevalier, C. Coon, S. Cros, M. Hidalgo, M. Lazzari, M. Arturo López-Quintela, M. Mihelčič, E. Semenzin, Y. Shashoua, M. Strlic, A. K. Surca “Protective coatings for plastic works of art” (invited lecture)
M. Lazzari, M. Gómez, D. Reggio “Detection of degradation markers from plastic artworks by SERS” (invited lecture)
M. Lazzari, A. Mirabile, D. Reggio, M. Gómez “Detection of dyes in Japanese woodblock prints and felt-tip pen drawings by a novel SERS-based strategy (SERS for dyes)” (poster)
Contribution at the 256th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, The United States, August 19‐23
M. Torneiro, S. Campaña, D. González-Fernández, J. I. Urzúa, M. J. Roca, M. Lazzari, A. Rumbo “Tetraphenylmethane shape-persistent dendritic polymers as versatile multifunctional materials”
Invited lecture at the workshop NANOSISTEMAS. Aplicación en la eliminación de cintas adhesivas en soporte celulósico, Madrid, Spain, June 8
M. Lazzari “Nanotechnologies for the conservation of plastic artworks”
Invited lecture at the workshop 3D Raman Imaging Meets AFM and SEM: Chemical and Structural Material Characterization from the Nano- to the Millimeter Range, Santiago de Compostela, April 27
M. Lazzari, M. Gomez, D. Reggio “SERS-active substrates for the detection of art materials”
Contribution at the 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology (INART 2018), Parma, Italy, March 26-29:
M. Lazzari, M. Gomez, D. Reggio “Aluminum-coated SERS substrates for the detection of deterioration products in plastic artworks”
Invited contributions by M. Lazzari at the Workshop MODART: Innovative nanomaterials for the conservation of modern works of art, Rome, Italy, March 22-23:
“Nanotecnologie per la conservazione dei materiali plastici” (lecture)
“Materiali protettivi da soluzioni acquose per manufatti in plastica” (practical workshop)
Invited contribution at the Technoheritage activity Ciencia y Patrimonio. Oportunidades, experiencias y dimensión europea, Madrid, Spain, March 15:
E. González, M. Lazzari, G. Campo “Nano-materials for the conservation and preservation of movable and immovable artworks (NanoforArt) y NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART (NanoRestart)”
Dissemination lecture at the Faculty of Chemistry within the series Reactiva a tua química,
Santiago de Compostela, February 28:
Dissemination lecture during the Xornada de portas abertas (Rede de Centros Singulares de Investigación da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Santiago de Compostela, December 2:
M. Lazzari "Química e Patrimonio cultural".
Contribution at the 1er Congreso Nacional de Ingenieria de Tejidos y Medicina Reconstructiva, Santiago de Chile, Chile, November 6-7:
G. Cabrera, P. Silva, R. Segura, E. Bordallo, M. Lazzari, F.O. Castro, L. Rodriguez "Síntesis, caracterización y efecto en células de mamíferos de un nanobiocomposito en base a nanocristales de quitina y nano-Ag”.
Contribution at 9th International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology, Evora, Portugal, October 24-27:
D. Reggio, M. Gómez, M. Lazzari “SERS for polymers degradation”.
Contributions at the 43 edition of the International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE17), Braga, Portugal, September 18-22
M. Gomez, D. Reggio, E. Bordallo, M. Lazzari “Aluminium plasmonics: SERS substrates made of structured polymers and aluminium for detection of early degradation products in modern and contemporary artworks” OC031;
M. Gomez, D. Reggio, E. Bordallo, M. Lazzari “Aluminum SERS substrates made by FS-laser ablation for detection of early degradation products in modern and contemporary artworks” PO123.
Contribution at the XXXVI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 17-21:
M. Gomez, M. Lazzari “SERS sensors made of polymers and Aluminum to check the health of artworks”.
Contributions at the 8th International Conference on Science and Technology in Archaeology and Conservation (STAC8), Amman, Jordan, May 21-25:
D. Reggio member of the Scientific Committee;
D. Reggio, M. Gómez, M. Lazzari “Risk reduction for artworks through in-situ detection of early degradation products”.
Contributions at the 3rd International Congress Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (Technoheritage 2017), Cádiz, Spain, May 21-24:
M. Gomez, D. Reggio, I. Rodriguez-Arias, M.A. López-Quintela, M. Lazzari (key note lecture) “Nanotechnologies for contemporary art conservation: some applications on plastics”;
C. Garcia, M. Gomez, T. Lopez-Morán, M. Lazzari, D. Reggio “Contemporary paints: materials identification and fabrication techniques”.
Honorable mention to M. Gómez at the LyncéeTec Innovation Challenge on 4D Profilometry Applications for his proposal of a liquid lens based on water/oil interface.
The dynamic response measured at LyncéeTec is visible in our blog.
Contribution at the XXII Convegno Nazionale AIM, Genova, Italy, September 11-14:
C. De Rosa, F. Auriemma, A. Malafronte, M. Lazzari, A. Lombardi "Block copolymers as a tool for the fabrication of nanocomposites and nanoporous thin films with controlled morphology at the nanometer scale".
Contribution at the international conference “Plastics Heritage”, Berlin, October 27-29:
M. Lazzari “Prediction of the durability of plastics in contemporary artworks” [blog entry].
Contribution at the 67th Divisional Meeting on Colloid & Interface Chemistry, International Symposium at Asahikawa, Japan, September 22-24:
M. Lazzari, M. A. López-Quintela “Controlled dispersion of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles in block copolymers”.
Contribution at the 5th YOCOCU Conference Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Madrid, September 21-23:
D. Reggio, M. Gómez, M. Lazzari “Advances in SERS: devising contemporary art investigation tools”.
D. Reggio “The mosaic panel from Orvieto in the Victoria & Albert Museum: pXRF and SEM-EDX as tools of assessment” [blog entry].
Contribution at the 4th edition of the course ‘Química Aplicada a la Conservación y Restauración: Arqueometría en Metal y Papel’, University of San Antonio Abad in Cusco (Peru), from August 6 through September 18:
D. Reggio invited lecturer at the four-modules course targeted to cultural heritage professionals with an interest in instrumental applications for conservation and archeological purposes.
M. Lazzari July to September stay at the Research Center for Photovoltaics of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Tsukuba (Japan), supported by a grant of the Spanish Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deportes [blog entry].
Contribution at the World Heritage Watch Conference 'Civil Society, the UNESCO World Heritage and Sustainable Development' (Istanbul, July 8-10):
D. Reggio moderator of the Special Panel “World Heritage in Times of Armed Conflict: What Can Civil Society Do?” [blog entry].
Contribution at the 2nd International SEAHA conference, Oxford University, June 20-21:
M. Gómez, M. Lazzari “Nanostructured SERS substrates for highly sensitive detection of degradation products of modern paintings” [book of abstracts].
Contributions at the ECPC – 2015, Málaga, November 16-19
M. Gómez, M. Lazzari “Nanostructured substrates for highly sensitive detection of degradation products of modern paintings” [abstract];
M. Lazzari, T. López Moran ”Tony Cragg Vs. Darío Villalba: the problem of adhesives used by contemporary artists” [abstract].
Contributions at the XXXV Biannual Congress of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) [book of abstracts]:
S. Campaña, J. Urzúa, M. Lazzari, M. Torneiro “Desarrollo de nanopartículas dendríticas PEGiladas para aplicaciones biomédicas”;
M. Torneiro, J. Urzúa “Dendrímeros rígidos derivados de tetrafenilmetano. Síntesis convergente versus divergente;
M.J. Roca, A. Rumbo “Síntesis de cristales líquidos con estructuras 1,3-bis(a-ciano-4-alcoxiestirenil)bencenos y 1,3-bis(b-ciano-alcoxiestirenil)bencenos. Estudio de las propiedades térmicas y fotoluminiscentes”;
D. González, M. Lazzari, M. Torneiro “Copolímeros de bloque con dendrones rígidos”;
M. Gómez, M. Lazzari "New SERS substrates made of polymers and aluminium".
Practical workshop at the I Jornada "Restaura-Ciencia": Conservación de materiales plásticos, organized by the Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de España (MUNCYT) in Alcobenda, Madrid, 21 May 2015 [read CIQUS news]:
M. Lazzari "Plásticos en el arte contemporáneo: ¿oportunidad o pesadilla?"
A new cheap and efficient method to improve SERS, Nanowerk, 28 October 2014 [read news].