Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CIQUS)
Department of Physical Chemistry and Department of Organic Chemistry
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Functional Materials and Nanotechnology Group
We are a de facto group trying to take advantage of the synergic knowledge of two organic chemistry professors and a physical chemistry professor working on different aspects of material sciences and organic chemistry.
The FunNanotech group is actually formed by three teaching staff members and PhD, Master and Bachelor students.
Group members profiles may found below, in alphabetical order, whereas Former group members and visitors and Degree and Master theses (defended since 2010) are listed in dedicated pages

Student of the doctorate in "Materials Science" since January 2020, she is working on the preparation and characterization of new porous materials for selective separation of industrial pollutants in gas and liquid effluents (supervisors M. Lazzari and Julia González Álvarez)
Lidia Dominguez Ramos
PhD student
Viktoria Ilieva
Visiting PhD student
Student of the PhD Programme in Innovation for the Circular Economy of the Universitá degli Studi di Torino (Italy), supervisor Prof. M. Zanetti. Her thesis is focused on the biodegradation of polyesters, and she is working at the USC since April 2022, under the supervision of A. M. Otero Casal and S. Balboa Mendez of the Faculty of Biology, and M. Lazzari, to better understand the mechanism of degradation of polyesters by bacteria.

Massimo Lazzari
Full professor
PhD in Chemistry at the Universitá degli Studi di Torino (Italy) in 1996, European Union post-doc fellowships at Osaka University (Japan, 1996-97) and USC (2003-04). Assistant professor of Macromolecular Chemistry at the Universitá degli Studi di Torino since 1999. Tenure track position (Ramon y Cajal contract, 2005-2010) at the USC, associate professor (2010-2021), and finally full professor of Physical Chemistry since 2022.
ResearcherID (E-8799-2013) ORCiD Google Scholar profile Academia.edu
Irene Romo Díez
Master student
Student of the Master CHEMBIO&MAT - CHEMISTRY at the Interface with biology and Materials Science, furtherly developing SERS substrates for applications in art materials (supervisor M. Lazzari)
PhD in chemistry at the USC in 1996, and post-doc at USC (1996-97) and Max-Planck Institute fur Kohlenforschung (1998-2000) with fellowships from the government of the autonomous community of Galicia, Xunta de Galicia (Spain). Researcher at USC as TMR-Marie Curie (EU, 2000-01) and Ramón y Cajal fellow (2001-06). Assistant professor of organic chemistry at USC since 2007.
Past research activities in the fields of organic synthesis, synthetic methodology and medicinal chemistry (vitamin D area). Recently he is devoted to the development of small molecules and macromolecules with electro-optical properties.
Antonio Rumbo
Assistant professor

Graduated in chemistry at the USC in 1989 (National Prize), PhD in chemistry at the same university in January 1994 (FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, MEC) and post-doc at Columbia University (New York, 1994-95) with a MEC fellowship. Researcher (MEC return program) and part-time assistant professor of organic chemistry (1996-97) and since then associate professor of organic chemistry at the USC. Past research areas are molecular recognition - combinatorial chemistry and organic synthesis - medicinal chemistry (mainly vitamin D field).
Current research interests focus on the development of organic materials with privileged architectures and properties.
Mercedes Torneiro
Associate professor