A lot of visits to www.fun-nanotech.org!
The website has received a total of around 1500 visits since October 6th (to April 5th). It is not a big number but that is around 150...

Award winning SEM image
Another SEM image by Manuel has been selected in a contest of scientific images FOTCIENCIA13, in the “micro” section. The selected images...

Congress on the protection of Cultural Heritage
Massimo and Manuel gave two oral presentations at the ECNP-2015 congress in Malaga, devoted to the conservation of Cultural Heritage....

Horizon 2020 project on the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage
The award of a new H2020 European Commission project (NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART (NanoRestART) has been reported...

PhD thesis defense
Thesis defense by Julio Ignacio Urzúa in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Chemistry

M. Gómez wins a prize at the XV USC Innovation Contest
Manuel wins a prize with an idea on the development of Organic Solar Cells. Read the NEWSPAPER ARTICLE (in Spanish) Read the CiQUS NEWS...

PhD Thesis defense
Thesis defense by Eduardo Bordallo in the Seminar room at the CiQUS - USC Read the CiQUS NEWS (in Spanish)

Participation at the Falling Walls Conference in Berlin
Manuel Gómez participate at the Falling Walls conference, being the only Spanish researcher (working in Spain) presenting his "Falling...

Prizes at a business' innovative ideas contest
PhD students M. Gómez and E. Bordallo got the second and the thrid prize, respectively, in a business´ innovative idea contest of the...

A new cheap and efficient method to improve SERS
Read the news from NANOWERK.com Materials Today´s cover highlights the research work ("Reliable and cheap SERS active substrates")...