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We work on the development of different functional molecules (e.g. macromolecules such as dendrimers, block copolymers and fluorinated polymers) for the fabrication of nanomaterials and devices with application in nanotechnology, for the protection of cultural heritage, etc.


These pages are devoted to disseminate research activities carried out at the University of Santiago de Compostela and coordinated by an associate professor (Mercedes Torneiro) and an assistant professor (Antonio Rumbo) of the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry, and a full professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry, and member of the Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CIQUS, Massimo Lazzari).

Sandra Campaña Rodríguez defended her PhD thesis on rigid dendrimers in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Chemistry of the USC

January 2020

Daniela Reggio defended her thesis on the application of SERS for the detection of small molecules in cultural heritage materials

October 2021

Selected recent results and events

The review What Fate for Plastics in Artworks? An Overview of Their Identification and Degradative Behaviour by

M. Lazzari and D. Reggio, has been published in Polymers

March 2021

The last results from Eduardo Bordallo's thesis has been published in Carbohydrate Polymers (Dissolution of amorphous nifedipine from micelle-forming carboxymethylcellulose derivatives)


November 2020

Our latest staff

Part of the group has been involved in an European Commission – Horizon 2020 project, focused on “NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART” (NANORESTART).


The NANORESTART project focused on the synthesis of novel poly-functional nanomaterials and on the development of highly innovative restoration techniques to address the conservation of a wide variety of materials mainly used by modern and contemporary artists.

In NANORESTART, enterprises and academic centers of excellence in the field of synthesis and characterization of nano- and advanced materials have joined forces with complementary conservation institutions and freelance restorers.

We developed a process of replication of micro‐ and nanostructured surfaces with features down to 10 nm with very high aspect ratio by soft UV‐assisted nanoimprint lithography using polymers with very low viscosity.


We are offering our know-how and looking for collaborations for an industrial scale-up and for the development of nano-optical devices.

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